single party

美 [ˈsɪŋɡl ˈpɑːrti]英 [ˈsɪŋɡl ˈpɑːti]
  • 网络一党制;单身派对
single partysingle party
  1. Go to every single party you 're invited to .


  2. Just feast on this single party , it 's possibly your last chance in your life .


  3. No single party enjoys an overall majority in the parliament .


  4. And are folded in a single party .


  5. A right granted by a government giving exclusive control over a specified commercial activity to a single party .


  6. How many ways can these seats be divided among the parties such that no single party has a majority ?


  7. Affairs of state are the public affairs of the whole nation and not the private affairs of a single party or group .


  8. Return to Vendor is the program , with awareness and approval by single party ( usually QA ) .


  9. Its opaque political system – dominated since independence 50 years ago by a single party – is not instinctively self-critical .


  10. That election was not a decisive vote against the LDP , which remained the biggest single party by far .


  11. Just as everyone should share what food there is , so there should be no monopoly of power by a single party , group or class .


  12. So that construction work is no longer cost management by a single party to participate in the construction , but the participation of all parties joint projects .


  13. The largest single party could try to form a minority government , but this would involve difficulties with getting business done and could prove unworkable .


  14. That leaves two options : either do it all in-house or find a " vendorless " solution not controlled by any single party .


  15. The Measures stipulate that land registration shall be carried out jointly by the concerned parties , except in specified circumstances where a single party may make an application .


  16. Whether you voted for me , or you voted for Barack , the time is now to unite as a single party with a single purpose .


  17. It is generally believed that the scheme of strategic equilibrium can represent most of shareholders ' interests and be superior to the initial scheme put by a single party .


  18. Ideally , to be open , we should avoid proprietary de facto standards under the control of ( and which tend to benefit ) a single party .


  19. A right granted by a government giving exclusive control over a specified commercial activity to a single party . The title deed is the document , which proves ownership of the goods .


  20. There was little rancour in the south , where a single party is overwhelmingly dominant and most southerners have set their sights on a referendum early next year that could lead to independence .


  21. A single monolithic party


  22. At the same time , the single largest party 's share of parliamentary seats has fallen from about 80 per cent to just over a quarter .


  23. Dutch governments has always been a coalition , as there is not ( and has never been ) a single political party large enough to get the majority vote .


  24. Take the number of seats in the 543-member parliament won by the single largest party , he advised , and multiply it by 100 .


  25. There was little support among Swiss politicians for the idea and not a single parliamentary party has come out in favour , but the proposal gathered more than 100000 signatures and was therefore put to the vote under the Swiss popular initiative system .


  26. Single thinking On Party system


  27. That , in turn , transformed an anti-euro , anti-establishment protest movement into the single largest political party in the Italian parliament at the last elections .
